My Top Five Musicals

I am a huge musical enthusiast, and I love everything theatre related. There's something about the atmosphere of being in a theatre, and there's something very raw, emotional and powerful about each actors performance in a show. Especially as the actors skills are put to the test, physically, emotionally and vocally. I think it's very impressive to translate a story into music and how every individuals performance varies from another playing the same role, it's magical. I thought I'd suggest and discuss my favourite musicals today, as I don't think I have ever discussed it but I'd love to hear recommendations on ones I may not have given the time to. I also might do my least favourites later on as I have a lot of thoughts and a lot to discuss. Also all of these favourites which I have added to my list have been ones that I have seen so I can judge better.


  • Number five on the list, which was a hard list to compile, is Waitress. I feel like this musical has a very different tone than a lot of others. A lot of the songs are slow and there's not as many characters and intricate routines as a lot of other Broadway/West End shows. I love the simplicity of the routines in this show. The ensemble beautifully joins into the songs and harmonies while not taking away from the main characters. The emotions are very strong in this and there are also a lot of power ballads. Plus this was I believe, the first fully female produced Broadway production, plus three strong female leads is amazing. I would recommend this, like everything on the list, if you like upbeat rhythms but also slow and emotional songs.

  • Number four - Hamilton, I feel like I'm growing away from this musical slightly, which might anger people. This seems to be the most popular musical on the planet at the moment and tickets are like gold dust. I was lucky enough to see this and it does live up to the hype, everything about this is beautifully calculated. Lin Manuel Miranda is a musical genius. The story has taught me a lot about American history for sure, and the music is very mainstream and different to that 'typical' musical music style, which is why I think it's so popular. Every song in this musical is so catchy and it's definitely not going to loose its momentum anytime soon.

  • Number three - Miss Saigon, I love historically based musicals, they're just so emotional and powerful that not much else can compare. The composers of this are my all time favourite and if you didn't know it's based off a picture from the Vietnam war. The story is so powerful and the details within for all the character's is just crazy. The staging for this is the best I've ever seen. I don't want to give spoiler's for anyone who doesn't know what happens but there is some really crazy and intricate stage piece moving and some cool pieces all together. I would recommend seeing this live.
  • Number two Heathers - This musical again has gained so much popularity recently due to the recent production starring Carrie Hope Fletcher. This, like Waitress is based off a movie, and it's a very teen based musical. I don't love the story line too much for a musical but the upbeat and quirky nature of the music makes me love it. The staging isn't as great as other musicals I've discussed but I love the style even though admittedly it took me a long time to get into it. It's very comedic compared to a lot of others and it shouldn't be taken as seriously as something like Miss Siagon. 

  • Number one Les Miserables - This has always been my top musical. I think maybe most people's favourite musical for so many reasons. The score is just so beautiful, done by the same composers as Miss Siagon, you can see why I like it. There's so many interweaving storylines, variations in characters, a powerful ensemble and so much emotion within every song. There's been so many versions and I've seen so many productions, some better than others but I never get tired of hearing any of the songs, and I will never skip one on a playlist. If you have never seen or heard this you need to ASAP.

Honourable mentions that i have include, Anastasia, Six, Beetlejuice, Sweeney Todd, The War of the Worlds, Into the Woods. These are all musicals I enjoy but I haven't seen all of these live before so maybe my top few will change when I can appreciate these fully, although Six may be the only one on at the moment.

Let me know what your favourite musicals are and why I'd love to hear!

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