Looking for New Blogs to Follow and Recommendations

This is a very different style post. I realised that it's been a long time since I've followed some new blog accounts/bloggers. I recently gained access to Bloglovin' again after leaving it for so long and realised a lot of the accounts that I follow are old/vacant accounts that don't post much anymore. Also the things that I would've loved reading about years ago are so different than they are now and I would love to continuously grow alongside my tastes. Honestly, I love reading about everything from general fashion, to politics to food posts. I've wanted myself to branch off into a few different blog styles too just to write about everything as I just love writing and need to refocus my time reading other people's work to help me on my journey too. I would love some recommendations of accounts to follow. Feel free to comment your own blog below or your current favourite blog below and show them some love! I will be checking them all out! If you want to follow me on Bloglovin' you can by clicking here

I've also noticed that Blogger is changing up their look and platform and it feels like a long time since I've seen anything change here so I am very excited to see this. It's almost giving a new lease of life to something that has been the same to me for so long. As much as I don't love change, it always pushes me to do better so I'm happy for that. I'm sure others feel the same. 

I feel like the blogs that I've been reading recently have all felt one note and all of the same variety and I would love to see some more unique posts. It's often why I take breaks from blogging as it often feels un-motivating to see every blog post the same recycled posts every day, but again I'm probably looking in the wrong places so I need a nudge in the right direction. 

I can see that this post is mainly ramblings but I just want to open up conversation a little bit that isn't limited to a single post! Generally in this post I just wanted to get some recommendations of things people have been enjoying, favourite books, movies and hobbies to help inspire me! I'd also love to know where everyone reads their blogs and what's everyone's favourite type of post to read? I don't expect many people to respond but I love hearing stories and sharing things I love with people (hence the blog obviously) so please let me know!

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