Someday Summary 20.11.15

Some days everything just feels really happy and positive or going well. I like writing these someday summary posts on these days because it's nice to try and spread positive feelings and I like to look back at happy moments rather than the sad ones, which makes sense. 

  • Jack and I went to a cafe near our college and got some beverages. I got a hot chocolate, the necessary winter drink, and he got a cappuccino. It was really good and it was such a cute place. We got to talk for like two hours straight and it was really cute, I say cute a lot. Coffee dates are the best, he's the bestest though.
  • I'm going to Paris on Monday and I am so excited, nervous and scared for it. 
  • My college work seems to have slowed down a bit, which gives me time to breathe right now, I feel a little less overwhelmed than I was, but it'll start back again.
  • I also just put up a cover on my YouTube channel if you wanna go check it out Here. I'd be happy if you could leave me your thoughts on it as making music stuff is something that keeps me really happy and calm. 
  • I have the rest of today to chill and read things I want to read as opposed to college readings and it's pretty good. 
  • I'm feeling really appreciative of where my life is right now, even though it could be so much better, but I'm still happy and it's a good thing to be feeling. I'm especially thankful for the people I surround myself with.
Anyone do anything nice today or feel appreciative of anything?

1 comment

  1. Thank you, you too! :) I follow you on bloglovin already, what's your instagram/twitter name? :)
